Monday, December 7, 2015

Jin Xing's family

Jin Xing and her husband, Heinz Gerd Oidtmann.
Jin Xing with three kids she adopted.

Jin Xing was born in a Korean ethnic family. Jin Xing has parents and one old sister. She always tells that her mother is very strict and her sister is always listen to her mother and nice to her.
Jin Xing met her husband on the airplan when Jin Xing back Shanghai From Paris. They sat next to each other, and started to talk about the Chihuahua Jin Xing held. Jin Xing told Heinz Gerd Oidtmann at the beginning that she is a transgendered women, and she has three adopted children.
"After you have kids, the way you choosing you husband or partner is different, you want the man responsible, also a good husband, of course good lover and same time as a good imagine of the father for the three children." Jin Xing said.


  1. Her life is meaning to be legend. The reason is not only she is a great dancer. She is really kind because she had divorced with her husband who love her very much. The reason is that she want adpot children. She said that she would married with her husband again while children becomes the adults.

  2. Jin Xing is a amazing women. She adopt three child and she married with a men. She was doing well than most of other women.

  3. Jing Xing has a great family choose by herself, she is responsible for her family。

  4. Adopt three children is not easy, but Jun Xing really did a great job at being a good mom. She talked about her husband in tv show and they do have a great relationship

  5. I admire this grand, intelligent, compassionate real human being so much I wish I could dance in her company! May Jin Xing & her family have continued health & good luck!
    I just discovered her & she inspires me so much her strong character!
    From someone like myself that is reaffirming her Chinese heritage along with Spanish( SPAIN)ethnic background.
