Saturday, December 5, 2015

She comes from a he

  • When Jin Xing was a male.
  • Jin Xing‘s dance performance won the Taoli Cup at the age of 17.
  • (Taoli Cup is one of the top national dancing competition.) 
  • Jin Xing had her sex reassignment surgery at the age of 28. She also talked about why she decided to change her gender in a interview. "I want to live for myself."Jin Xing said.
  • After Jin Xing had her sex reassignment surgery in 1995, her left leg was paralyzed for a while. In the below picture, she was doing her leg recovery at a Oriental Medical Clinic.
  • After the recovery, she went to Shanghai, China to choreograph and train students. 


  1. Jin Xing dare to do things that others can not imagine, and she has the courage to face the family and society. I think she can be seen as a symbol of Chinese Modern Dance. Although her tongue is somewhat crazy, but no one would dare to say she is mad, because without such comparable experience, naturally there is no par verve.

  2. Jin Xing is the first transgender man in China, many people can not accept her in the beginning,because most people think the gender is the gift which gave by parents in China. So I admire Jin Xing so much, because she is brave to against scandal from society, and she is confident show herself in the different stages.

  3. Jin Xing is symbol of transgender man in China. Also, she is a amazing dance. I thought Jin Xing is a brave women, not only she was follower heart but also she became a mother after transfer gender. Jin Xing's story could influenced many people because of she's brave.

  4. I think she is a great dancer, and her life is splendid. She is strong and maintain hope to life. I like her confidence.
